Category Archives: Fun

Fun stereotype

Sometimes stereotypes are just fun… 🙂


In Heaven…
The mechanics are German
The chefs are French
The police are British
The lovers are Italian
And everything is organised by the Swiss.

In Hell…
The mechanics are French
The police are German
The chefs are British
The lovers are Swiss
And everything is organised by the Italians.

Turn the world on with your smile…

Something on the lighter side. The legendary Bob Murphy, noted Austrian economist by day and karaoke singer by night, renders with aplomb the “Mary Tyler Moore” song on my behalf (or rather my wife, she is the big MTM fan and thought she’d enjoy it). I was the high bidder in a recent charity auction for the Brown Center for Autism and having Bob sing a song of your choice was one of the items he sweetened the bidding pot with. Enjoy